
Monday, November 2, 2009

NFL Results After Week 8

Can you say duplicate? That is exactly what happen to me going 10-3 again just like week 7. I must say my results are still standing the same and no adjustments has been made, but despite I am still happy with my results because it was some tough match-ups this week. I think the player of the week has to be Brett Favre because he went to his old stadium and threw for 4 touchdowns and did I mention he is 40 and still has a rocket launcher as a arm. As the weeks goes by the match-ups will get tougher and my decisions will get harder so continue to follow me and my predictions week-by-week until we get to the SUPER BOWL.........Sports King signing off


  1. So King - What you your prediction for Super Bowl attendance? Can the Saints Go-All-The-Way?

  2. Great question and the way it looks so far the New Orleans Saints can definitely go all the way. Right now it's 2 undefeated teams which are the Indianapolis Colts and New Orleans Saints. The Super Bowl will be packed with millions in attendance, but the anticipation of who will be there is what everyone is waiting for.

  3. Eric, its true you've gotten it right on the money, especially with the Dolphins!!! Baltimore upsets Denver, NO stays perfect!!This is FUN!!
