
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rush Limbaugh's New Sight

In most recent news that is going on in the NFL, Rush Limbaugh is trying to pursue ownership of the St.Louis Rams. Rush Limbaugh is a fan of the NFL and made an announcement that he would like to take ownership of the Rams. NFL players spoke out and are actually against having Limbaugh as the new owner for various reasons, but much speculation behind it is because his comments he makes toward certain players and race issues. Should he be banned from owning a team if he has the money for it? Time will tell.


  1. In this one pespective is the key. Just because someone states that they want to purchase something does not mean that they can afford to or have the support to make the purchase. I think that he was blowing smoke to get national press. This was all a press move to promote his national interview and to give him some attention. Every few months (around ratings time) Rush does this to drive up his listners and his income. The man is not stupid but the general public tends to fall for ever game that he (his handlers) play(s).

  2. Limbaugh was rejected because of his racist remark he made about NFL QB's long time ago..he's really not interested in the Rams just himself, like the selfish person he is...
