Well ladies and gentlemen after all the back and forth and all the speculation about who is better than who, Mayweather finally agree to fight Sugar Shane Mosley after a decade of not giving him the opportunity when he wanted it years ago. This welterweight fight happen when Pacquiao did not agree to undergo Olympic style drug testing that Mayweather and his camp wanted him to undergo. Weeks later Shane Mosley was schedule to fight Andre Berto, but due to the tragic earthquake that took place in Haiti he had to withdrawal from the fight because he had extended family that past away in Haiti. It seems like this fight was meant to me if you ask me and Sugar Shane is so excited and is willing to undergo any type of test that Mayweather and his camp is throwing his way. All we are waiting for is Mayweather's hancock to sign on the dotted line so we can see a spectacular fight. In recent interviews with Sugar Shane he is already stating that he will defeat Mayweather, but on the other hand I personally don't believe that this will be a walk in the park. I think that both opponents have something to prove. Mayweather is known for hand-picking his opponents and ducking and dodging the top contenders. Sugar Shane was known for using steroids as Mayweather always mention in interviews. This fight will be one for the century and I hope Mayweather hurry up and signs so the fight can be official
"Sports King"
"Failure is not an option, but a learned lesson so we won't make the same mistakes in the future"
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